With the next disaster in Big Sur. What would you do differently?
* Would you evacuate so quickly? Would you hire help to defend your property? * Would we buy more bulldozers to create our own fire lines on our properties? * Will you buy and keep gel around to protect your home?
* What items would you take with you next time that you didn't take this time?
How are you going to prepare for the next disaster? Here's your opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas on this. Also, GO VOTE on our poll here to say whether you think you will stay to defend your property the next time around.
Your votes really counted on the Supplying Supplies to those who did not evacuate. Kudos to all those who voted.
Sam Farr was at the last Big Sur meeting and had this to share:
Lessons: we can do a way better job of mapping, we need local people to stay in and work as emergency personnel in this situation. Let’s really take the lessons learned. Make a note now, while it’s still fresh, of the things you think we could better do to prepare ourselves in the future. We can be a model for how other communities do it. Let’s turn this into a learning lesson and asset for all of us.
Also read the article written by Kenny in the Salinas Californian today. Thanks for having a backbone Kenny!
LIST YOUR IDEAS by leaving a comment.
..so now what is your preperation plans for the winter rains?
Description of the social action (such as can be found on this blog and in documented research)uncover that there is always and information gap and that public safety officials often (not to say generally) do not know how people interact. Research even suggests that the many commonly held ideas about safety and security are false and dangerous to both life and country.
As a matter of fact, descriptions of the social action in a world of high-tech reveal that SAFETY is affected by both spontaneous and non-spontaneous responses and generally is not associated with any kind of organisation per se. SECURITY, however, is a result of deliberate responses that requires technology and pre-arrange plans for specific threats.
It transpires from the questions being raised and from the social action in Big Sur that those engaged in public safety are unaware that you cannot deal with SAFETY the same way that you deal with SECURITY, and that there is not one-best way to plan.
Maybe the person who has set this blog up (Dave?) can get in touch with edouard who is a disaster researcher from Switzerland currently attending the the Annual Harzards Workshop in Colorado.
The idea is to avoid raising questions in the legislative voice like, "What is your preparation plan for the winter rain?" for example, as questions raised in the legislative voice generate solutions that are part of the problem.
I wouldn't let that douchebag general manager from Post Ranch Inn get his sticky little attention-whoring paws involved. Total hypocrite, not unlike alot of the holier than thou, self-righteous folks living in Big Sur. The stories I've heard from his svereal of his hotel employees makes me sick.
People living in this area should keep three weeks of supplies including EVERYTHING that makes comfort and serenity possible.
Have more walkie talkies on hand, they are great for coordinating ground effort.
Satellite internet has been a key tool here on the south coast.
when Nature Roars
I always think of the worst possibility, accept it as a possible reality, and then do all I can to keep it from becoming one.
we were not evacuated in this area, neither did we have illusions about how much help we were gong to get if there were hard choices to be made...
whew, no I wouldn't leave unless my very life were in danger.
then, it's time to go...
the clarity involved in acceptance can really help in figuring out what to do.
Thanks, everyone
To anonymous #1 from Anonymous #3: What stories have you heard about the General Manager of Post Ranch?
To the Anonymous #2 fron Anon #3 who said we need to keep three weeks of supplies and drinking water. I AGREE!!! Walkie Talkies with working batteries.
Keep your properties cleared.
Check your generator too.
for all who now are pumping clean water from the river and serving the tourist,earning a buck,or those that pump to homes up on the hills above,--some may want to invest in stilts or rafts,-storage would be advised,-i still recall what the village store and post office looked like after the winter of 72/73,R.I. pool is bulit on fill and parking lot across hwy. also.---and for one's that get water from east side,burnt area,-do we pray for rain to help with drought,or hope for mild rains---fire season is still upon us for few month-time to prepare and be aware--seem pack rats are busy-think i'll follow ther lead.-hmm? --i've 2nd thoughts of GM @ P.R.
Here's what I've heard:
Employees were promised compensation packages for lost wages, but some employees -- many of which are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the current closure -- have been left in the dark as to what that means and when they can expect to see some relief.
Employees have been called in to perform clean-up duties, i.e; sweeping up ash without protective gear, etc. I've heard complaints of breathing issues, sinus issues, etc. Hello, OSHA?
There's a general hum of employees not being treated with much empathy/compassion during this difficult time.
Instead of trying to play king of the castle, I think he should've been looking out for his staff, helping to find immediate housing for displaced employees, etc. Especially if he has any hopes of retaining them in the aftermath of this tragedy.
From one anonymous to the others,
If you believe in karma, I heard that one of Priano's kitchen staff told him to go f**k himself at a recent event and then proceeded to walk out and quit.
Absentee corporate resort owners or partners-have never been responsible stewards in Big Sur--just my opinion !
I would want to know all the Big Sur Johns and Jane Does,and for sure ask BIG SUR DICK to get involed .
I think I'll check on getting a good hepa filter mask.
I thought the question was 'what would you do differently?' If you have an issue with a particular person, or situation, get your facts straight, not hearsay, and have the courtesy to confront the person, not just leave slander that does not pertain to the subject. Seems the best anyone can do is keep their property well maintained, make friends with your neighbors, and keep supplies on hand, like tools, food, medicine, etc. No doubt the Hwy will close at some point this winter, so just be prepared. All those living off dirt roads may want to keep a vehicle closer to the Highway so they can get past any road slides from winter rains. Also, don't forget those living on the other side of the burn area. Seems it's not quite as popular as Big Sur, but there are homes and families just as affected by this fire, and the up-coming winter rains.
Oh, please g.e.f. As a Big Sur resident and non-fan of the power-hungry powers that be at Post Ranch Inn, this thread has made me laugh during what has been anotherwise dismal period. Thank you Anonymous(s)! Ask any local their opinion on the person in question, and believe me, the reviews are hardly glowing. Heck, hearing gossip about said person is a daily occurrance and it ain't always pretty. In fact, it's almost never pretty, but heck, it sure is fun to sit back and hear about this man's foibles. Especially these days, I could use a good laugh.
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